Have you heard of TRX training but you’re unsure what it actually is? In our guide, we’ll tell you all about TRX Training and help you identify why TRX workouts may be the right exercise for you.
What Is A TRX Workout?
A TRX work is a revolutionary, non-invasive, and effective training system that challenges your body to perform movements using your own body weight, instead of the use of weights, usihg the specialised TRX Suspension Training equipment.
It centres around seven movements: push, pull, plank, rotate, hinge, lunge and squat. These are performed by putting your hands or feet through the straps provided and using your body weight as resistance. It’s a low impact, total resistance exercise thanks to the trainer partially suspending your body weight.
These seven movements are incorporated into several core exercises that are performed in a complete circuit sequence.
This simplified approach of the TRX routine is perfect for all kinds of practitioner, whether you’re a beginner looking to get fit, a pro athlete, a cyclist, a yogi, a runner, part of the military or even a martial artist. TRX workouts are even great for supplementing crossfit training too.
TRX workouts can be performed at the TRX-equipped gyms, during TRX classes or can even be performed at home.
How do you do TRX at home?
Using the lightweight TRX Home Suspension Trainer, you use the provided door anchor to attach the suspension trainer to a door in your home and you’re ready to undertake the TRX workout you’re used to doing at the gym in the comfort of your own home.
The TRX Home Suspension Trainer is so handy to use that it can easily be moved to a different door if need be or you can even train outside. By using the supplied suspension anchor, you can attach your trainer to a tree, fence or pole, so you can enjoy your TRX routine outside in the fresh air.
TRX offer live and on-demand classes so you can tune in on your tablet or laptop to follow the exercises or you can simply do routines by yourself at your own pace. The choice is yours.
The home trainer is simple to take down and is portable so if you want to continue your training on your travels, you can easily take it with you.

What kind of workout is TRX?
A TRX workout is suspension training that relies upon using your bodyweight to help you build your fitness. Utilising the equipment at different angles will hit certain muscle groups more intensely, thereby increasing the difficulty.
TRX workout routines are great for flexibility, weight loss and improving your strength and cardio. Many people are recommended TRX workouts by their personal trainer and even physiotherapists as a great way of working the various muscle groups and improving cardio thanks to its low impact design. Some people choose to perform TRX exercises as their sole fitness routine whilst others use it to supplement their existing routine.
How good is TRX workout?
A TRX workout is as good as the effort you put in. As it hits various muscle groups, especially the core, it’s an ideal exercise routine for those who want an all-body workout. You can choose to take the workout at your own pace to improve your flexibility or mobility, or perform HIIT workouts to really improve your cardio and burn the fat.
You’ll find that the exercises that can be performed with the TRX suspension training kit will have a positive impact on your core strength and can even correct issues you may have in training other disciplines, such as running.
How long should a TRX workout be?
It all depends on the intensity of your workout but a TRX workout is recommended to be no longer than an hour if you’re starting out. 40-60 minutes workout using the TRX Suspension Trainer may be suitable, whilst you may opt for a shorter workout if increasing the intensity utilising powerful movements at faster tempos, for improved cardiovascular and muscular benefits.
Take a look at this 40 minute total body strength workout from TRX
How many times a week should you do TRX?
Training two to three times a week with a rest day in between is suitable for newcomers to TRX whilst athletes and experienced fitness enthusiasts may opt to train up to six times a week.
How to plan a TRX workout?
TRX workouts are available on the TRX app, on their YouTube channel, via subscription to live classes or on-demand tutorials, or via private virtual tuition. Of course, there’s no stopping you from developing your own TRX workout but if you’re unsure what you’re doing, it’s better basing it on exercises you’ve already learnt to make your own routine.
There’s plenty of websites our there and fitness YouTube channels providing their own TRX workouts that you can copy or use for inspiration to devise your own preferred routine.
As with any workout, only do what you’re physically capable of performing and if you feel any pain, stop.

What is a TRX workout class?
Some gyms offer a TRX workout class. This is where TRX suspension trainers are provided and anchored in a room, so that groups of people can perform suspension training together. Think of it as a bit like an aerobics class – you’re all performing the same movements and routines.
A TRX workout class can provide you with the encouragement and motivation that can sometimes be lacking for those who usually train solo. It also has social benefits as you can talk to other like-minded fitness enthusiasts about their routines and progress with the suspension training.
If there’s no TRX workout class near you, TRX offer virtual classes where you can work out with the certified TRX trainer and other people throughout the world via the live online classes.
What muscles does TRX work?
The beauty of the TRX suspension training system is that it can provide an all-body workout, mimicking the types of exercises you may undertake using gym equipment but instead using your own body weight as resistance.
Chest presses will hit your chest, shoulders and triceps, as will press ups but with the added bonus of hitting your abs too, whilst a pulling exercise, such as inverted rows, will hit your biceps, forearms, lower back and lats.
The mountain climber technique is great for your abs, quads and shoulders, whereas lunges hit your quads, calves, glutes and hamstring.
The upper body and lower body muscles which TRX work all depend on your chosen exercises but you only need to add a few variations of exercises to your routine for your workout to hit the numerous muscle groups.
Is TRX training good for weight loss?
Yes, TRX training is a fantastic way of burning fat and losing weight. The total body workouts are fantastic at burning calories and can help you to shed the belly fat and build lean muscle. Thought TRX alone isn’t the wonder-solution.
One of the main ways of losing weight is ensuring your diet is correct. Make sure you’re not eating more calories than you’re burning and that you’re not eating excessive amounts of carbohydrates, sugars and fats. Once you’re diet is in check, TRX training can help to improve weight loss thanks to the variety of exercises and movements, with resistance, that can be performed with the TRX suspension trainer.
What are TRX workouts good for?
In addition to building lean muscle and burning fat, TRX workouts are great for improving mobility, flexibility, strength, coordination and balance.
Whilst you may be used to doing certain exercises solo without equipment, such as lunges and press-ups, performing these movements through suspension training, with the dynamic of body weight at play, will see the muscle groups pushed and worked harder. After performing these techniques for a while using the TRX suspension trainer, you will likely find that you become stronger and better at those particular exercises when used without any equipment at all.
You can find out more about TRX on their official website.
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